To entertain clients means to take important customers for your business to dinner or perhaps to a play or some entertainment. This is supposed to imp...
To be tied up, here, means to be busy or occupied and therefore unable to meet at a certain time. In other words, I'm tied up on Monday and Tuesday be...
To play phone tag means that two people are exchanging voicemail messages but aren't able to actually speak to each other. For example, I start by cal...
The vendor who calls me wants to set up a meeting for the following week. To set up a meeting means to schedule or arrange a meeting, or to find a tim...
You're listening to's Using English at Work lesson seven. I'm Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development, your host fo...
When we return to the office, I know I have to try to make some headway with my report. Unfortunately, as soon as I sit down in front of my computer, ...
Spreadsheet programs often are used to calculate, or figure, out how much a company is making, for example. The most popular program currently in the ...
The computer sometimes stops working for no reason, but the computer tech always makes me feel guilty, as if I had done something to break the compute...
A keyboard is a rectangular piece of equipment that works with a computer, it has all of the letters or symbols for whatever language that we are usin...
To boot something up means, in this case, to turn on the computer. In the morning, the first thing I do is to boot my computer up and it usually takes...