1.2019年双语新闻 霉霉的浪漫新专太甜了!
搜索 复制 In love with love 霉霉的浪漫新专太甜了! What comes to your mind when you hear the word romantic? 当你听到浪漫一词时,你会想到什么? Taylor ...
2.2019年双语新闻 《乐队的夏天》,摇滚乐的春天
搜索 复制 Rock on! 《乐队的夏天》,摇滚乐的春天 Rock music is inspiring and powerful. Typical band members wear cool clothes. They play the guitar, si...
3.2019年双语新闻 防晒神器“脸基尼”走红全球
搜索 复制 New fashion trend sweeps the world's beaches 防晒神器脸基尼走红全球 The summer sun is here! Have you prepared yourself with the necessary pr...
4.2019年双语新闻 人类或发现宜居星球
搜索 复制 Is there new life in outer space? 人类或发现宜居星球 If you watched the film Avatar, you may wonder if Earth is the only habitable planet in...
5.2019年双语新闻 古典神话的现代力量
搜索 复制 Looking to the past 古典神话的现代力量 When HarmonyOS, the Chinese self-developed operating system for Huawei mobile devices, was released o...
6.2019年双语新闻 90后中国设计师的“巴黎心跳”惊艳全球
搜索 复制 Notre Dame's modern design 90后中国设计师的巴黎心跳惊艳全球 The big fire in April that tore through the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is sti...
7.2019年双语新闻 Siri,你在窃听我吗?
搜索 复制 How reliable are voice assistants? Siri,你在窃听我吗? Many of you may have used Siri, a voice assistant of US tech company Apple. 许多人或...
8.2019年双语新闻 上海垃圾分类时代已至,其他城市还远吗?
搜索 复制 City gets serious about waste 上海垃圾分类时代已至,其他城市还远吗? If you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a lesson in sorting gar...
9.2019年双语新闻 全能型“宝藏男孩”王一博
搜索 复制 New idol 全能型宝藏男孩王一博 Mastering a skill may be easy, but to excel in many fields is quite a challenge. 精通一项技能或许并不难,但擅...
10.2019年双语新闻 “变老滤镜”一夜爆红
搜索 复制 FaceApp offers us a glimpse into our future 变老滤镜一夜爆红 What would you look like when you are 80 years old? 80岁的你会是什么样子? It s...