1.2019年双语新闻 《哪吒之魔童降世》让国漫燃起希望之光
搜索 复制 Ne Zha wows Chinese viewers 《哪吒之魔童降世》让国漫燃起希望之光 It's not easy for a mythology-based movie, which has been changed a number ...
2.2019年双语新闻 蔡徐坤为何能这么火?
搜索 复制 A rising star 蔡徐坤为何能这么火? Cai Xukun is, without a doubt, one of the most popular stars in China. 蔡徐坤无疑是如今中国最火的明星之一...
3.2019年双语新闻 全民vlog时代来了!
搜索 复制 Life in video 全民vlog时代来了! To shoot a scene of people eating food, you need two different perspectives. To record a bus journey to sch...
4.2019年双语新闻 为什么大多语音助手都是“女声”?
Making Siri a genderless helper 为什么大多语音助手都是女声? When was the last time you heard a male voice assistant? 上一次你听见男性语音助手的声音,...
5.2019年双语新闻 吃甜食真能提神吗?
A Coke's not all you need 吃甜食真能提神吗? It happens from time to time that after a whole morning of studying, you are tired in the afternoon. 在经...
6.2019年双语新闻 Forever 21退出中国市场引深思
Falling fast Forever 21退出中国市场引深思 The evolution of fashion has changed our shopping habits. Fast fashion arrived, making stylish clothes more ...
7.2019年双语新闻 "全球变热"取代"全球变暖"
A crisis on our hands 全球变热取代全球变暖 Language matters when it comes to climate change. 在气候变化这一问题上,语言十分重要。 In December 2018, Th...
8.2019年双语新闻 《生活大爆炸》带火“极客文化”
It's cool to be a geek 《生活大爆炸》带火极客文化 He is a clever and confident scientist who understands the math and laws of quantum physics. 精通数...
9.2019年双语新闻 全球百万物种濒临灭绝
Call for action to save wildlife 全球百万物种濒临灭绝 Humans share Earth with many different kinds of wildlife. 人类与各种各样的野生生物共享一个地球。...
10.2019年双语新闻 《街头美食》下的人生百味
Street food, soul food 《街头美食》下的人生百味 We all have a favorite little spot to eat. 我们都有个自己爱吃的小吃摊。 Maybe it's a dumpling cart or ...