1.2019年双语新闻 “小仙女”范宁:从童星到戛纳评委
Earning her honor 小仙女范宁:从童星到戛纳评委 As the old saying goes, Don't judge a book by its cover. And neither should we judge movie stars by the...
2.2019年双语新闻 90后中国设计师圆梦纽约
Renewing an old tradition 90后中国设计师圆梦纽约 For ages, embroidery has been known as a woman's job. However, like any good fashion designer, Zhang ...
3.2019年双语新闻 何猷君高调求婚奚梦瑶
A real romance 何猷君高调求婚奚梦瑶 It's quite rare to see a reality TV romance turn into a real-life relationship or even a marriage. 一段电视真人秀...
4.2019年双语新闻 “Z世代”的青少年都在关注什么?
Visionary generation Z世代的青少年都在关注什么? Being young is associated with all the good things in life beauty, hope, and energy. 青春总是与人生中...
5.2019年双语新闻 人民海军70周年海上大阅兵见证强大海军
Defending us 人民海军70周年海上大阅兵见证强大海军 Destroyers sailed the sea, submarines slid under the surface and fighter jets flew across the sky. I...
6.2019年双语新闻 颜宁:“科学家”前不加“女”字
Rising star of science 颜宁:科学家前不加女字 What is the image of a typical female scientist? Perhaps you imagine a pair of thick glasses, messy hair...
7.2019年双语新闻 哈里梅根开通官方ins账号
Royalty online 哈里梅根开通官方ins账号 The life of the UK's royal family is mysterious but fascinating. Without the media we wouldn't know anything ab...
8.2019年双语新闻 你今年赏樱了吗?
Chasing cherry blossoms in China amp; Japan 你今年赏樱了吗? If you're planning to see the spring flowers, hurry up! Flowers don't wait. They blossom a...
9.2019年双语新闻 人类首张黑洞照片问世!
Our first view of a black hole 人类首张黑洞照片问世! They are considered as one of the most mysterious objects in the universe. We knew they existed,...
10.2019年双语新闻 巴黎圣母院惨遭大火
Prayers for beloved Paris icon 巴黎圣母院惨遭大火 It's not often sunny in Paris, but people still love to walk along the banks of the Seine. They love...