1.2019年双语新闻 同一个世界,同一种猫奴
Time to end loneliness 同一个世界,同一种猫奴 A round face, big eyes, soft fur and a quiet purr. It's not easy to resist the company of an adorable ca...
2.2019年双语新闻 你今天me time了吗?
Traveling alone 你今天me time了吗? If you've ever traveled with other people, chances are you've had to make compromises. 如果你与他人出游,很有可能...
3.2019年双语新闻 年轻人,你为啥睡得这么晚?
Decoding nighttime sleeping patterns 年轻人,你为啥睡得这么晚? When we wake up feeling sleepy and with dark circles under eyes, many of us often thin...
4.2019年双语新闻 “95后”越来越懒了?
Lazy, or do we just want to save time? 95后越来越懒了? Xiao Li, a college student born after 1995, used to wash her hair every two days. But as the w...
5.2019年双语新闻 2018,短视频和直播火爆的一年
How we talk today 2018,短视频和直播火爆的一年 In the past decade, the use of social media has grown in a way that no one could have guessed. 在过去的...
6.2019年双语新闻 走暗黑风的童话故事
Learning life's lessons 走暗黑风的童话故事 Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales, like True love can overcome anything, and Even a...
7.2019年双语新闻 “绿色脊柱”将撑起墨市天空
Modern cities heading back to nature 绿色脊柱将撑起墨市天空 When we think of how cities will look in the future, we probably picture tall gray buildin...
8.2019年双语新闻 猪年是时候为猪“正名”了
Pigs teach us about life 猪年是时候为猪正名了 China and Western countries may have different cultural beliefs about certain animals, but when it comes...
9.2019年双语新闻 好莱坞00后演技派"小十一"为同龄人发声
Standing up for us 好莱坞00后演技派小十一为同龄人发声 Two years ago, at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts tea party in Los Angeles, Mill...
10.2019年双语新闻 活在美颜滤镜之下的现代人
Image problem 活在美颜滤镜之下的现代人 Before we upload a photo of ourselves to social media, chances are that we'll use an app to smooth our skin, ma...