1.2019年双语新闻 2019,有哪些精彩大片值得期待?
Movies not to miss 2019,有哪些精彩大片值得期待? In 2018, to which we've just said goodbye, we've seen blockbusters such as Black Panther, Crazy Rich...
2.2019年双语新闻 好莱坞颁奖礼终于有了亚裔主持人
Oh's on her way up 好莱坞颁奖礼终于有了亚裔主持人 It's rare for an Asian actor to host any of the major entertainment award shows. 亚裔演员很少在娱乐...
3.2019年双语新闻 2019年度色"活珊瑚橙"背后的故事
Living or dying? 2019年度色活珊瑚橙背后的故事 When dictionaries around the world started announcing their Word of the Year, 2018 looked like it would ...
4.2019年双语新闻 嫦娥四号开启首次探索月球背面之旅
Lighting the moon's dark side 嫦娥四号开启首次探索月球背面之旅 As our closest neighbor in space, the moon has been the subject of popular myths, songs...