1.《美女与野兽》精讲 07
How does a moment last forever? 怎样才能永远留住一瞬间? How can a story never died? 怎么才能让一个故事永久流传 It is love we must hold onto 这份爱 我...
2.《美女与野兽》精讲 06
Bonjour! Pardon! Good day! Mais oui! 早上好!抱歉! 日安!日安! You call this bacon? What lovely grapes! Some cheese? Ten yards. One pound. Excuse me...
3.《美女与野兽》精讲 05
Look at her LeFou 看看她 乐福 My future wife 我未来的妻子 Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village 贝儿是村子里最漂亮的女孩 That makes her the ...
4.《美女与野兽》精讲 04
Ah! If it isn't the only bookworm in town! 啊!果然是城里唯一的书呆子! So where did you run off to this week? 说说 你又去哪神游了? Two cities in north...
5.《美女与野兽》精讲 03
Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour 早上好 早上好 早上好 早上好 Morning 早安 There goes the baker with his tray like always 这是面包师 拿着他的托盘 一如既...
6.《美女与野兽》精讲 02
As days bleed into years 日子一天天过去 The Prince and his servants were forgotten by the world 王子和他的仆人们早已被世人遗忘 For the enchantress had...
7.《美女与野兽》精讲 01
Once upon a time in the hidden heart of France 从前在法国的腹地 A handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle 一位年轻英俊的王子住在金碧辉煌的城...