1.世界小史 第145期:罗马人
Carthage was still standing, a fact which many Romans would not accept, in particular a patrician named Cato. 迦太基居然还存在,许多罗马人都不能容忍,...
2.世界小史 第144期:迦太基
After 14 years in Italy Hannibal finally returned to Africa, where his countrymen needed him. 在意大利征战14年后最后汉尼拔返回了非洲,因为他的同胞们需...
3.世界小史 第143期:烧杀抢掠
Ignoring his advice, they attacked Hannibal at a place called Cannae. 他们不听他的建议,在一个叫坎尼的地方攻打汉尼拔。 There they were decisively beat...
4.世界小史 第142期:罗马人的军队
But Hannibal found a way through for his army and they finally reached Italy. 但是汉尼拔为他的大军开出一条道路,并且他们最终到达意大利。 There he was ...
5.世界小史 第141期:宽阔的公路
He was that rare thing: a man who made war like a chess-player, carefully considering each move before he made it. 他是个不寻常的人:他是一个在战争中...
6.世界小史 第140期:汉尼拔
It took all the money they had, but with their brand new fleet they defeated the Carthaginians, who were soon forced to cede Sicily to the Romans. 他...
7.世界小史 第139期:船
Carthage was the richest and mightiest city for miles around and the Romans referred to its Phoenician inhabitants as Punics. 迦太基是远近一带最富有、...
8.世界小史 第138期:贸易站和城市
But at a cost: he lost so many of his men that he is said to have cried out, One more such victory and we are lost! 但是代价很大:他的士兵战死的有如此...
9.世界小史 第137期:井然有序
After the time of Alexander the Great, however, small wars against small towns ceased to satisfy them and they set about conquering the entire peninsu...
10.世界小史 第136期:对法律的忠诚
There are many old and wonderful stories telling of the love Romans had for their native land and of their faithfulness to its laws. 有许多古老的、美...