1.月亮和六便士 第四十章(1)
Chapter 40 第四十章 For the next month, occupied with my own affairs, I saw no one connected with this lamentable business, and my mind ceased to be o...
2.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(6)
What did you say to Strickland when you saw him? 你见到思特里克兰德的时候,对他说什么了? I asked him to come with me to Holland. 我邀他同我一起到荷兰...
3.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(5)
I really felt something of the emotion that had caught him. I was strangely impressed. 激动着施特略夫的那种感情我确实体会到了;他说的这些话奇怪地把我...
4.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(4)
He gave a gasp. 他倒抽了一口气。 It was the picture of a woman lying on a sofa, with one arm beneath her head and the other along her body; 画面是一个...
5.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(3)
The agony of it drove him up from the bed and out of the room. 痛苦使他一下子从床上跳起来,冲出了屋子。 He went into the studio. 他走进了画室。 It was...
6.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(2)
But he felt thirsty, and went into the kitchen to get himself some water. 他感到口渴,走进厨房去给自己弄一点水喝。 Here, too, was order. 厨房也整齐有...
7.月亮和六便士 第三十九章(1)
Chapter 39 第三十九章 When I left him, after we had buried poor Blanche, Stroeve walked into the house with a heavy heart. 我们那天埋葬了可怜的勃朗什...
8.月亮和六便士 第三十八章(4)
They pinched and saved so that I should have enough to live on, 他们老两口省吃俭用,好叫我能够维持生活。 and when my first picture was exhibited they ...
9.月亮和六便士 第三十八章(3)
Stroeve sighed a little and was silent. 施特略夫轻轻叹了一口气,沉默了一会儿。 His thoughts dwelt among pictures of what might have been, and the safe...
10.月亮和六便士 第三十八章(2)
Her kitchen was a miracle of clean brightness. 厨房收拾得干干净净、锃光瓦亮,简直是个奇迹。 Everything was always in its place, and no where could you...