1.月亮和六便士 第二十一章(4)
Wouldn't it give you a rather pleasing sensation to think of people you didn't know and had never seen receiving emotions, subtle and passionate, from...
2.月亮和六便士 第二十一章(3)
Meanwhile he had never ceased to work at his art; but, soon tiring of the studios, entirely by himself. 在所有这些日子里,他的艺术活动一直没有停止过。...
3.月亮和六便士 第二十一章(2)
I received the impression of a life which was a bitter struggle against every sort of difficulty; 我的总印象是,这个人一直在同各式各样的困难艰苦斗争;...
4.月亮和六便士 第二十一章(1)
Chapter 21 第12章 I let him take me to a restaurant of his choice, but on the way I bought a paper. 我让他带我到一家他选定的餐馆,但是在路上走的时候我...
5.月亮和六便士 第二十章(2)
Presently, after moving, he leaned back and gazed with a curious abstraction at his antagonist. 他走过一步棋后,马上把身体往后一靠,凝视着他的对手,目...
6.月亮和六便士 第二十章(1)
Chapter 21 第12章 Dirk Stroeve agreed to fetch me on the following evening and take me to the cafe at which Strickland was most likely to be found. 戴...
7.月亮和六便士 第十九章(6)
I'm not sure if he'll wish to see me. 我不知道他是不是愿意看到我。 I think I may remind him of a time he prefers to forget. 我怕我会使他想起一段他宁愿...
8.月亮和六便士 第十九章(5)
Dirk Stroeve, telling the story, had such a look of blank astonishment on his round, foolish face that it was almost impossible not to laugh. 说这个故...
9.月亮和六便士 第十九章(4)
Though he had suffered so much from the ridicule of his friends, Dirk Stroeve, eager for praise and naively self-satisfied, could never resist display...
10.月亮和六便士 第十九章(3)
I could imagine her sedately busy among her pots and pans, making a ritual of her household duties, so that they acquired a moral significance; 闭上眼...