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听力教程 > 《远大前程》中英双语有声读物
1.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(6)
When I think,he said happily,that I,Pumblechook,was able to help in my small way,by taking you to play at Miss- 当我想起,他高兴地说,我,潘波趣...
2.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(5)
I had something special to ask Biddy.Biddy,I said,when we were alone,don't you think you could teach Joe a bit? 我有些特殊的事情要问毕蒂。毕蒂,当...
3.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(4)
Pip can go freely to fortune and happiness,he knows that. 匹普,你能自由自在地享受富贵和幸福,他知道这一点。 But if you think that money can ever pa...
4.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(3)
My dream had come true. Miss Havisham was making me rich! 我的梦想变成了现实,郝薇香小姐正在让我富有起来! Now,Mr Pip,continued the lawyer,there a...
5.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(2)
Mr Wopsle hesitated,and we all began to have a rather bad opinion of him. 伍甫赛先生踌躇着,我们大家开始对他产生特别不好的看法。 And you were going t...
6.《远大前程》第6章 远大前程(1)
Chapter 6 Great expectations 第6章 远大前程 One Saturday evening,when I had been apprenticed to Joe for four years,he and I were sitting in the pub...
7.《远大前程》第5章 匹普的姐姐被袭击(6)
It's not a T,it's Orlick's hammer!she cried.She's forgotten his name but she wants to see Orlick! 那不是一个T,它是奥立克的锤子!她喊起来,她忘记...
8.《远大前程》第5章 匹普的姐姐被袭击(5)
We didn't stop running until we reached the forge.In Mrs Joe's kitchen there was a doctor,and Joe,and a group of Women. 我们马不停蹄地跑到铁匠铺。...
9.《远大前程》第5章 匹普的姐姐被袭击(4)
No,indeed,Miss Havisham.I only want you to know that I'm very grateful to you for helping me become Joe's apprentice. 不是,确实不是,郝薇香小姐,...
10.《远大前程》第5章 匹普的姐姐被袭击(3)
What did you say?cried my sister,beginning to scream.Oh!Oh!What did you call me? Hold me,someone! 你说什么?我姐姐喊着,开始尖叫起来,哎哟!哎...