1.纪录片《我们的地球》 第348期 广袤草原(13)
Each blade is cut to length and placed into a garden of fungus. 每根叶片都被切成一定长度,放入菌圃。 The rotting grass feeds the fungus, and in turn t...
2.纪录片《我们的地球》 第349期 广袤草原(14)
A two-foot-long tongue covered in microscopic hooks, 六十厘米长的舌头上面布满极小的钩子, followed by claws longer than those of a velociraptor. 加之...
3.纪录片《我们的地球》 第350期 广袤草原(15)
In summer, bison roamed freely, almost continuously cropping the abundant green grass. 夏季,美洲野牛四处漫步,享用着取之不尽的大片青草。 Now, that gr...
4.纪录片《我们的地球》 第351期 广袤草原(16)
For the bison, it will be a matter of brute strength. 对于美洲野牛来说,用蛮力就可以做到。 Massive neck muscles enable them to shovel five tonnes of s...
5.纪录片《我们的地球》 第352期 广袤草原(17)
Five hundred miles further north than any tree can survive, grass returns to life. 在树木生存极限八百公里以北的地方,青草春风吹又生。 Caribou females ...
6.纪录片《我们的地球》 第353期 广袤草原(18)
But wherever grass eaters travel, predators lie in wait. 但是无论草食性动物走到哪里,都有捕食者等待着他们。 Here they are, Arctic wolves. 就是他们,北...
7.纪录片《我们的地球》 第354期 广袤草原(19)
For the grasslands team, no location would prove as challenging as that dominated by elephant grass in northeast India. 对于草原摄制组来说,在印度东北...
8.纪录片《我们的地球》 第355期 广袤草原(20)
With the rhinos now a safe distance away, 现在犀牛退到了安全距离以外, the crew focus on the best spots to position their camera traps. 制作组开始寻找...
9.纪录片《我们的地球》 第356期 广袤草原(21)
At dawn, the crew have a whodunnit mystery on their hands. 破晓时分,摄制组需要猜一猜谁是罪魁祸首。 That's carnage! This looks like elephant, we think...
10.纪录片《我们的地球》 第357期 广袤草原(22)
If the wildlife is unfriendly to humans, it's proving downright hostile to camera traps. 若说野生动物对人类并不友好,那他们对摄像机简直充满了敌意。 Co...