1.美国语文第五册 第222期:斯格威尔的手段(4)
A few minutes having elapsed, during which Mr. Squeers looked very profound, 不过几分钟光景,斯格威尔先生端出一副神色安详、知识渊博的模样。 as if he h...
2.美国语文第五册 第221期:斯格威尔的手段(3)
Now, said Squeers, giving the desk a great rap with his cane, 喂,斯格威尔用拐杖重重地敲击一下桌子, which made half the little boys nearly jump out o...
3.美国语文第五册 第220期:斯格威尔的手段(2)
Pale and haggard faces, lank and bony figures, children with the countenances of old men, 孩子们脸色苍白憔悴,带着老人般苍老神情,纤细羸弱的身材, def...
4.美国语文第五册 第219期:斯格威尔的手段(1)
Come, said Squeers, let's go to the schoolroom; and lend me a hand with my school coat, will you? 过来,斯格威尔说,我们去教室,帮我拿下我的校服。 Nic...
5.美国语文第五册 第218期:雪落
The wonderful snow is falling over river and woodland and wold; 纷纷扬扬,鹅毛大雪难以想象,染白河流,覆盖成片森林原野, The trees bear spectral bloss...
6.美国语文第五册 第217期:美丽的死亡
The young, the lovely, pass away, 美丽倏然凋零, Ne'er to be seen again; 不曾再度相遇, Earth's fairest flowers too soon decay, 花落人亡永相隔, Its b...
7.美国语文第五册 第216期:波士顿惨案(5)
So infuriated were the soldiers that, when the men returned to take up the dead, they prepared to fire again, 士兵们还是愤怒难抑,市民们返回欲想搬走尸...
8.美国语文第五册 第215期:波士顿惨案(4)
None pressed on them or provoked them till they began loading, 没有市民推搡或激怒这些士兵,直到他们开始装填子弹,人群中才爆发叫骂骚动。 when a party o...
9.美国语文第五册 第214期:波士顿惨案(3)
There is the soldier who knocked me down, said the barber's boy; and they began pushing one another towards the sentinel. 就是这个哨兵把我打倒在地。那...
10.美国语文第五册 第213期:波士顿惨案(2)
Presently twelve or fifteen more, uttering the same cries, rushed from the south into King Street, 恰巧此时,十二或十五六个甚而更多的居民,从南边沿途...