1.美国语文第五册 第92期:香水月季(5)
Then why do you see the geranium or rose so carefully nursed in the old cracked teapot in the poorest room, 那么,为什么那些穷家陋户的破漏茶壶或瓦罐里...
2.美国语文第五册 第91期:香水月季(4)
Well, after all, how odd! 好了,不管怎么说,你真够搞怪! When one gives to poor people, one wants to give them something usefula bushel of potatoes, a...
3.美国语文第五册 第90期:香水月季(3)
Just the same as I do, replied Florence, calmly. 这正是我想做的,弗罗伦丝平心静气地说, Have you not noticed that the little girl never comes without ...
4.美国语文第五册 第89期:香水月季(2)
Oh, then you know just what I was going to say. 哦,那么,你就明白我准备说什么了。 Mrs. Marshall, I presume, has been speaking to you; 我在揣摩马歇尔...
5.美国语文第五册 第88期:香水月季(1)
There it stood, in its little green vase, on a light ebony stand in the window of the drawing-room. 客厅窗边,一个浅乌檀色的花架上,一枝月季插在小小的...
6.美国语文第五册 第87期:四月的日子(2)
That lilac's cleaving cones have burst, 紫丁香,风中绽放挺立, The milk-white flowers revealing; 奶白色花朵,惊悚震撼, Even now upon my senses first ...
7.美国语文第五册 第86期:四月的日子(1)
All day the low-hung clouds have dropped, their garnered fullness down; 低垂一天,云朵已经落下,农夫庄稼,亦已安然入仓。 All day that soft, gray mist ...
8.美国语文第五册 第85期:暴风雨(2)
The clouds now rolled in volumes over the mountain tops; their summits still bright and snowy, but the lower parts of an inky blackness. 云层翻卷滚过...
9.美国语文第五册 第84期:暴风雨(1)
In the second day of the voyage, they came to the Highlands. 旅途第二天,他们抵达苏格兰高地。 It was the latter part of a calm, sultry day, that they ...
10.美国语文第五册 第83期:花朵的死亡(2)
And now, when comes the calm, mild day, 万物复苏,大地苏醒回暖, As still such days will come, 微风吹拂,阳光又现人间。 To call the squirrel and the b...