1.美国语文第六册 第199期:乘坐扫雪机(1)
Did you ever ride on a snowplow? 你乘过扫雪机吗? Not the pet and pony of a thing that is attached to the front of an engine, sometimes, like a pilot;...
2.美国语文第六册 第198期:教育的必要性(4)
I would add, as a motive to immediate action, that if we do fail in our great experiment of self-government, 我还要补充一下,作为直接采取行动的动机,...
3.美国语文第六册 第197期:教育的必要性(3)
But when our fear and our efforts shall correspond with our danger, the danger is past. 但是,我们的担心和努力与我们面临的危险是共存的,而危险已经成为...
4.美国语文第六册 第196期:教育的必要性(2)
Her destiny is our destiny; and the day that her gallant ship goes down, our little boat sinks in the vortex! 一个国家的命运就是我们共同的命运;一个国...
5.美国语文第六册 第195期:教育的必要性(1)
We must educate! We must educate! or we must perish by our own prosperity. 我们必须接受教育!我们必须接受教育!如果我们仅凭自己的幸运和机缘的话,必定...
6.美国语文第六册 第194期:朝圣先辈登岸
The breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast, And the woods against a stormy sky Their giant branches tossed; 在静穆和多岩石的海滩上...
7.美国语文第六册 第193期:新英格兰清教徒先辈的品格(5)
Their piety was not merely external; it was sincere; 他们的虔诚不仅仅是永恒的,这是发自内心的。 it had the proof of a good tree in bearing good fruit;...
8.美国语文第六册 第192期:新英格兰清教徒先辈的品格(4)
As deeply seated as was the principle of liberty and resistance to arbitrary power in the breasts of the Puritans, 自由的原则和对专制势力奋起反抗,在...
9.美国语文第六册 第191期:新英格兰清教徒先辈的品格(3)
So long as its inhabitants were unmolested by the mother country in the exercise of their important rights, 只要这块土地上的居民在行使他们重要权利的过...
10.美国语文第六册 第190期:新英格兰清教徒先辈的品格(2)
and therefore they preferred it above wealth, and ease, and country; and, that they might enjoy and exercise it fully, 因此,他们将自由看得高于财富、...