1.纸牌屋第一季 第75期:凤凰涅槃
I should go. 我要走了 It's on the campaign. 帐记在竞选经费上 Our crosstabs show 81% of likely voters 民调数据显示81%可能投票的选民 are willing to cons...
2.纸牌屋第一季 第74期:大忙人
Good morning. 早上好 The education reform and achievement act that I sign into law today 由我签署并于今天生效的《教育改革和成就法案》 will affect ever...
3.纸牌屋第一季 第73期:死里逃生
Set them up over here. 椅子摆在那边 Vice President Matthews. 副总统马修斯 Bob. Mr. Vice President. 鲍勃,副总统先生 Mr. Vice President. Frank. 副总统...
4.纸牌屋第一季 第72期:你我之间的不同
Thank you. 谢谢 Frank. 弗兰克 So? 说吧 You said you wanted to talk. 你说你想谈谈 You said you wanted to work out a compromise. 你说你想达成一个妥协 I ...
5.纸牌屋第一季 第71期:八岁男孩中流弹身亡
So he took my hand and he put a ring on it. 于是他拉起了我的手,为我戴上了戒指 Because he knew I'd say yes. 因为他知道我会答应的 He's a man who knows ...
6.纸牌屋第一季 第70期:你就是一块石头
Frank, you always pay too much. This is way too much. 弗兰克,你总是多给,实在太多了 For the inconvenience. 算是谢谢你送来 You know, 20 years you been...
7.纸牌屋第一季 第69期:结束这一切
Mr. President? 总统先生 I want it over. 结束这一切 As soon as possible. 越快越好 Gut the bill, Frank. 修改法案,弗兰克 Do whatever's necessary to end ...
8.纸牌屋第一季 第68期:优秀的候选人
No, it's got to be here. I can't be getting on a plane. 不,必须得在这里,我不能坐飞机 It looks too opportunistic. 那样就太投机了 Maybe if we open it ...
9.纸牌屋第一季 第67期:规矩就是规矩
Interesting. You left out E for Education. 有意思,你漏掉了教育里的E So let Defecation 所以还是... 澄清 Edification. I'm sorry. LOL. 启迪,抱歉,哈哈 ...
10.纸牌屋第一季 第66期:为投砖事件道歉
He's doing well. He hasn't had a drink in a month. 他干得不错,一个月滴酒不沾 Oh, good for him. I like him. 那好啊,我喜欢他 Oh, good, because he coul...