1.纸牌屋第一季 第65期:克莱尔探病
I feel like I've met the real you for the first time just now. 我觉得我这才第一次见到真实的你 Janet. 珍妮特 Is this a bad time? No. 来得不巧吗,没事 N...
2.纸牌屋第一季 第64期:投砖事件
No one can prove anything. So that's the most cogent response. 没人拿得出证据,这是最有力的回应 Well, go on TV and say that. 那就上电视解释啊 You depl...
3.纸牌屋第一季 第63期:教师罢工转向暴力
You wanna know if I killed anyone? 您想问我有没有杀过人 I think I know the answer. 我想我知道答案了 I got a dinner meeting with Birch. I'll be... 我和...
4.纸牌屋第一季 第62期:我们已经没退路
We're almost a month into the strike, 罢工已持续近一个月 and we've got millions of kids stuck home from school. 无数孩子待在家里不能上学 Do you blame ...
5.纸牌屋第一季 第61期:彼得和罗素的争执
You fucked me, Frank. 你害了我,弗兰克 I shouldn't have let you do it, but I did. 我不该让你那么做,可我没反抗 Are you done now? 你抱怨完了吗 Get up. ...
6.纸牌屋第一季 第60期:如果是在我家
Hello, Peter. 你好,彼得 I am starving. I forgot to eat. 我快饿死了,忘记吃东西了 Would you like something, Peter? 要吃点什么吗,彼得 No. Thanks. 不用...
.on the steps, 站在台阶上 and she looks gorgeous, 非常漂亮 but what really she's thinking, 但其实她在想 when can I go the fuck home? 我什么时候才能回...
8.纸牌屋第一季 第58期:唯一参加派对的记者
So these are some wonderful photographs 这些精彩的照片出自一位 by an amazing photographer Gillian. 优秀摄影师之手,吉 莉安 Adam Galloway, nice to meet...
9.纸牌屋第一季 第57期:教师抗议游行
Charlie, get off the phone. 查理,电话挂了 I need signs right now, at least a hundred. 我这就需要标语牌,至少一百块 You know what? Let them set it up....
10.纸牌屋第一季 第56期:野餐会
If we do this event, the whole staff walks out. 如果我们接这个活儿,全体员工就罢工 I've got 300 guests 我有三百位客人 You signed a contract with my wi...