1.纸牌屋第一季 第35期:漂亮的杰西卡
What I see in you is a woman I admire, 我钦佩你 which doesn't happen often. 能让我钦佩的女人很少 I want to enable you. 我想给你施展的平台 I want to cl...
2.纸牌屋第一季 第34期:亚洲女孩
I won't take no for an answer on this. 别想拒绝我 Claire 克莱尔 I'll drag you to the hospital myself if I have to. 实在不行,我会亲自拖你去医院 You're...
3.纸牌屋第一季 第33期:傲慢与偏见
After all, what is faith 毕竟,信仰是什么 if it doesn't endure when we are tested the most? 不就是在考验最严峻时依旧能坚持到底吗 We will never underst...
4.纸牌屋第一季 第32期:上帝和父亲
I want to read, this morning, from... 我今天早上想读的内容,是... No. 不 You know what no one wants to talk about. 有一个话题人人回避 Hate. 恨 I know ...
5.纸牌屋第一季 第31期:锤子主编
about the sexism Durant faced early on in her career. 所面对的性别歧视进行了很细致的描述 That's right. 没错 When she was first elected, 她最初当选的时...
6.纸牌屋第一季(MP3+中英字幕) 第30期:郁金香
Miss me? 想我了吗 Maybe. A little. 也许有一点 What's it been, 15 hours? 我们分开多久了,有15个小时吗 Not even long enough to notice you're gone. 短到...
7.纸牌屋第一季(MP3+中英字幕) 第29期:特许学校
Hang on a second. 等一下 Reverend. 牧师先生 Congressman. 议员先生 Nice to see you again. 见到你真好 I wish it was under better circumstances. 真希望情...
8.纸牌屋第一季 第28期:悲痛的父母
Does this very expensive dinner 这顿价值不菲的晚餐 at least buy me an evening of mindblowing sexual congress? 换得来一晚美妙的鱼水之欢吗 It was good, ...
9.纸牌屋第一季 第27期:大桃子
What are you doing? 你在干什么 You shouldn't run here. 你不该在这儿跑步 It's disgraceful. 真不知羞耻 Have you no respect? 你不懂得尊重吗 The criteria ...
10.纸牌屋第一季 第26期:你知道妮姬 海姆勒吗?
I've worked really hard to gain a foothold with World Well. 为了让世界之井站稳脚跟我付出了很大努力 Six years ago it was just me and a macbook. 六年前...