Maybe there's a chance he'll still confess 要是他以为自己命在旦夕 if he thinks he's at death's door. 也许还有机会让他认罪 Thank goodness Conrad surviv...
That's because Conrad caused the accident. 那是因为事故是康拉德一手造成的 I don't think he ever intended to confess, 我觉得他压根就没打算认罪 and he m...
Anyway, Paul and I test drove it together, 总之 保罗和我一起试驾 and he really showed me what that car could do. 他给我展示了那辆车的能力 Are you rehe...
Just please, try Charlotte again. 请再给夏洛特打电话 She must not have got my messages, 她肯定没收到我的留言 as I'm sure she would be here. 不然她肯定...
Emily. 艾米莉 Any news? I... 有什么消息吗 我 I haven't heard much of anything out here. 我在这里没听到什么消息 Father Paul's gone. 保罗神父去世了 He w...
You get a chance to look over my remodel ideas, J.P.? 你有空看看我修改后的想法吗 杰克波特 Success is all about branding. 成功的重点就是品牌化 Well, br...
Victoria, you're crying. 维多利亚 你在哭 Adam and Eve banished from Eden. 亚当和伊娃被驱逐出伊甸园 It's my first Randolph. 这是我的第一幅兰道夫的作品 ...
My father was an innocent man, 我父亲是清白无辜的 destroyed by powerful people. 他被权势之人所害 The Graysons are behind this, and they're gonna pay. ...
Victoria took the bait. 维多利亚上钩了 And she's offered me room and board at Grayson Manor. 她欢迎我入驻格雷森庄园 You shouldn't have told her about ...
The only thing that you'll be showing them is your cowardice. 你能告诉他们的只有你的懦弱 Scrambling to save your soul so you can rest in peace. 拼尽一...