Well, I... 这个啊 I hear you saw my future in-laws. 你已经见过我的婆家人了吧 I did... until Conrad practically threw me out. 是啊 不过后来康拉德把我赶...
Our father, who art in heaven, 在天国的天父 hallowed be thy name. 愿人都尊你的名为圣 They kingdom come, thy will be done, 愿你的王国来临 愿你的旨意行...
Oh, there's my girl. 乖女儿 I am not your girl. 我不是你女儿 You know, despite all the horrible things 我虽然听说了你做的那些事 I heard about flight 1...
Morning, Patrick. 早上好 帕特里克 Emily. What are you doing here? 艾米丽 你怎么会来 Well, I had a meeting with my wedding planner, 我本来跟婚礼策划人...
I still can't believe my mother chose 我还是不相信我妈 to trot Patrick out yesterday. 昨天让帕特里克来家里 Well, I'm sure she had her reasons. 我相信...
And I made the same mistake. 我犯了同样的错误 And I've only just begun 我现在才开始 to make up for what I've been missing. 弥补我的过失 And I swear to...
I mean, that is how you sustain a life. 虽然那是你维持生活的钱 Thank you, uh, freelancing, I imagine. 谢谢 毕竟你是自由职业者嘛 What are you talking a...
I gotta say I do miss the fountain in the stairwell. 我真怀念楼梯间的喷泉 Oh, wow. Well-versed in modernists 不仅精通现代主义艺术 and well-acquainted ...
Charlotte. 夏洛特 I'm glad you're here. 你能来真是太好了 Listen, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. 昨天的事我很抱歉 It's fine. Let's just enjoy d...
Come to borrow a cup of vinegar? 来借醋吗 No, I wanted to drop these off 不 我想给你这些 and welcome you to the neighborhood. 并且欢迎你来到这片社区 W...