A pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Lemarchal. 很荣幸终于见到您 拉马肖小姐 Oh, all mine, Mr. Johnson. 应该是我的荣幸 约翰逊先生 Richard, please. 请叫...
I gotta tell ya, 不得不说 I was shocked to hear that Fontana's Monsoon No.2 看到方塔纳的二号季风 was on the block. 出现在拍卖会我很惊讶 Patrick. 帕特...
You know, this is 知道吗 这就是几年前 where Sammy came running up to you a couple years ago. 山姆跑来找你的地方 Sometimes I wonder 有时候我会想 what w...
Unhand my painting this instant. 马上把你的手从我的画上拿开 Uh, pay no mind to the lady of the house, gentlemen. 先生们 不用理这个女人 As you were. 该...
Hey, perfect timing, Ems. 来得正好 艾米 I picked up a new hobby working in the prison kitchen. 我在监狱的厨房工作时培养了新的兴趣爱好 See, it turns ou...
With my business experience, 根据我的商业经验 we can make a good run at this. 我们可以很好地运作这件事 My father attributes two of his divorces 我父亲...
But times like these require support. 但是人在这种时候是需要他人支持的 And something tells me you're alone in this room 而我看得出来你现在是孤家寡人 b...
I asked for forgiveness. I found peace in my penance. 我向上帝祈求原谅 并在忏悔中得到平静 And I'm here to suggest that your Huntington's 我来这里是想...
Hey, boss. 你好啊 老板 Well, I haven't been your boss since you quit 自从你上个世纪辞职以后 sometime last century. 我就不再是你的老板了 Unless, of cou...
Paul. 保罗 It's been a long time, Victoria. 好久不见了 维多利亚 I was under the impression 我还以为多年以前 that I had laid eyes on you for the last t...