1.2020年经济学人 美国新冠肺炎激增(2)
Doug Ducey, the Republican governor of Arizona, began reopening his state in early May, when there were around 400 new cases being detected a day. He ...
2.2020年经济学人 美国新冠肺炎激增(1)
United States 美国版块 The virus 病毒 Here it goes again 卷土重来 America is in the midst of an extraordinary surge of covid-19 美国正处于新冠肺炎异常...
3.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 航空业"裁员"潮继续 德国工人罢工 美股获20多年来最佳季度表现
The world this week 世界国际要闻 Business 经济 In another dreadful week for workers in the aviation industry, Airbus said it would cut 15,000 jobs, ab...
4.2020年经济学人 氢能--再看一眼玩具箱(2)
Readers of a certain age are now permitted to roll their eyes. At least twice in the past 50 yearsin the 1970s, after the oil crisis, 某个年龄层的读者...
5.2020年经济学人 航空公司与气候(2)
In fact, the two-year average was expressly designed to account for low-emission years a lesson learned from an early attempt to set the baseline in 2...
6.2020年经济学人 航空公司与气候(1)
Business 商业版块 Airlines and the climate 航空公司与气候 Setting a new CORSIA 设立新的《国际航空碳抵消和减排计划》 A carbon-intensive industry defang...
7.2020年经济学人 氢能--再看一眼玩具箱(1)
Conventional wisdom holds that battery-powered cars are the future of motoring. 传统观点认为,电池驱动汽车是汽车驾驶的未来。 But Hyundai, a big South ...
8.2020年经济学人 Facebook和专制统治者(3)
Arab governments have passed laws against cybercrime and online terrorism to cow social-media firms and their users. Facebook tries to comply with loc...
9.2020年经济学人 《幸存的独裁统治》书评--橙色警告(2)
According to the book, ordinary Americans, too, are ill-equipped to grapple with the presidents brazenness. Ever since Watergate, they have been prime...
10.2020年经济学人 《幸存的独裁统治》书评--橙色警告(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Book Review 书评 American politics 美国政治学 Orange warning 橙色警告 Surviving Autocracy. 《幸存的独裁统治》 By Masha Gessen. 作...